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Massive Hydrothermal Flows of Fluids and Heat: Earth Constraints and Ocean World Considerations
The Secret World of Hydrothermal Systems with Dr. Geoff Wheat!
Hot Stratigraphic Reservoirs - Bridge between hydrothermal systems. By Rick Allis
William Smith 2018: Exploration of extinct seafloor massive sulphide (eSMS) deposits - Ian Stobbs
Lithospheric Fluid Composition (Everett Shock)
Dr. Suni Shah Walter, University of Delaware
InterRidge 2022 04 webinar by Wolfgang Bach
AbSciCon 2022: 305, Geochemistry & Habitability of Alkaline Hydrothermal Vents on Earth & Beyond I
The Dynamics of the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System - Shaul Hurwitz (SETI Talks)
Thomas Driesner - InterPore2021 Keynote Lecture - 1 June 2021
Oxygen isotopes in hydrothermally altered ocean crust record seawater δ18O ... - Benjamin Johnson
The Plate Climatology Theory